Truth psyience? Psyience, what is that you may ask yourself, and what does it have to do with truth? This article will reveal its meaning and future posts will delve deeper. For now, let’s define psyience as:

  • The union between science and psychology with spirituality and politics to give birth to intellectual fascism. Where the intelligentsia are the only perceived bearers of knowledge and truth.
  • These technocratic elites have transformed intellectual fascism into intellectual terrorism where these gatekeepers and birthers of truth, worship at the chimeric altar of psychology, science, scientism, and spirituality. It is this psychological operation (PSYOP) we’ve termed psyience.

Now that we’ve established what psyience is, let’s discover the truth of how we got here.

What Is Truth?

What is truth? As I read these words encountered in John 18:38, I imagine this phrase ricocheting off the walls of Pontius Pilate’s Praetorium with precision. Building in intensity until the crescendo reaches its climax, parsing those in attendance. Tickling the ears of the Sanhedrin with a sweet tone while piercing the hearts of Jesus’ followers with a sour, dissonant note.

Today, this phrase still echoes within us as we seek truth. With believers clutching to Jesus and non-believers grasping at anything. But there’s a PSYOP at work amongst the arbiters of truth who pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, as these PSYOPs are not just utilized by the military.

They attempt to convince us that the sole source of truth stems from the modern-day purveyors of truth who wear lab or doctor coats akin to the priestly robes of a time bygone. And questioning this truth-authority is kindred to questioning God Himself. This intellectual fascism is rampant within society’s rule-makers and has trickled down to the entirety of society with the result being our current technocracy. (Read this post for additional information on technocracy and/or watch this video.)

While this technocratic ideology did not start with the Nazis or NASA, we will investigate their relationship with the occult and get to the truth.

Nazis, NASA, Occultists, and CERN


After the atrocities of WWII ended, many Nazis were valuable assets in the eyes and minds of the US Armed Forces and the Intelligence Community. The American military’s upper echelon decamped the war’s villains under Operation Overcast, later renamed Operation Paperclip.

Among those Nazi scientists absconded to America was Wernher Von Braun (notice in the story how they whitewash Nazi and just use “German military”). In the following video by the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, they gloss over his Nazi past and reveal how he gained entry into this country (via a pathway still used today):

Yes, you read that right. After the war, these Nazi scientists disappeared and then reemerged on American soil as employees of the American government. This information may be jarring. I know it was for me. What I experienced and what you may be experiencing is cognitive dissonance. 

Think of (spoiler alert) Darth Vader revealing his true identity to Luke Skywalker. Here’s Darth Vader, the tyrant of tyrants. Luke’s perceived nemesis. The one Luke must conquer to save the galaxy. And Vader tells him the truth about his lineage. Luke immediately descends into denial, then lets out a scream and continues to deny this truth.

Or if you prefer an example from the movie The Matrix, the scene where Neo learns the truth about the Matrix from Morpheus:


Let’s up the weirdness factor.  Contemporaneously to Wernher Von Braun, Jack Parsons was a literal rocket scientist who carried out his first rocket firing on Halloween, 1936 along with fellow rocket scientists: Ed Forman, Frank Malina, A.O. Smith, William Bollay, Carlos Woods, and William Rockefeller. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) considers this its Nativity Scene. It is in this same area, in the mountains of San Gabriel, California, just above the Devil’s Gate dam and reservoir, where the JPL resides.

With similar propensities for propelling rockets to places unknown, Braun and Parsons shared communications about their research. While many consider Braun to be the father of the US Space Program, Braun acknowledges they should confer this moniker to Parsons.

While there’s no consensus on Braun’s involvement in the occult, the Nazis had another individual, SS Commander, Heinrich Himmler providing Hitler with occultic intel. The depths of Himmler’s heinous methods gain clarity in his appointment of the “Angel of Death” Dr. Josef Mengele, to be chief doctor at Birkenau, an extermination camp at Auschwitz.

The opposite is true of Parsons, who had a direct affiliation with the occult. What is this connection? It’s with a person who stole his girlfriend and founded a controversial cult. And if that’s not ominous enough for you, Parsons was a devout follower of a person coined the “wickedest man in the world” aka “the great beast 666.”


Aleister Crowley, termed the “wickedest man in the world” by the British press and self-proclaimed “the great beast 666,” was a leader in the OTO and the founder of Thelema both Satan-inspired initiatories and occultic religions. After Jack summoned Satan at the age of 13, his interest in the occult skyrocketed.

While becoming an acolyte of Crowley, Jack purchased a mansion in Pasadena, California called The Parsonage. This is where the story gains bizarre status and shows there’s no such thing as coincidences.

A man moved into the mansion with Jack and his girlfriend. His name: L. Ron Hubbard. A prolific science fiction writer and teller of tall tales, he became enthralled with Crowley’s sex magick and took part in rituals with Jack to create the antichrist. Shortly thereafter, he stole away with Jack’s mistress (who was also Jack’s sister-in-law), and they founded Scientology, which bears striking similarities to Crowley’s OTO.

Let’s progress from the occultic origins of NASA and move to an esoteric establishment renowned for its discovery of the so-called “God particle.”

DisCERN the Truth

In 1952, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), established CERN, the European Council for Nuclear Research (in French Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire). CERN operates a laboratory called the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Part of their research revolves around the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

On June 18, 2004, they cemented a connection with the occult, when the Indian government bestowed upon CERN a gift:

“Nataraja, the Cosmic Dancer, depicting a dancing Lord Shiva trampling ignorance.”

This occultic god, Shiva, worshipped as the destroyer and transformer of the world, has over 1,000 names, including:

  • One who has an eye in the forehead (third eye)
  • Lord of ghosts and evil beings
  • Protector of the ghosts
  • Master of the Universe

Oh, I’d be remiss to point something out. Did you see CERN’s logo? Remind you of anything?

Other occultic ties to CERN exist such as this movie:

The following is the movie’s synopsis as told by its creators:

“Symmetry” is a dance-opera film shot inside CERN, the largest experimental particle physics facility in the world. With the cathedral-like majesty of the Large Hadron Collider as his theatre, a modern physicist searches for the smallest primordial particle and discovers a love without end. “Symmetry Unravelled” is the accompanying documentary about the collision of art and science in the world’s largest machine: the particle accelerator. Complementing the dance-opera film Symmetry, a common curiosity at the crux of man’s fascination with the unknown is revealed.

CERN’s continuing fusion with the occult grew satanically sinister with leaked footage of a purported satanic human sacrifice ritual in front of the statue of Shiva (WARNING: adult content and violence with vulgar language):

From this article, CERN’s official response was, “These scenes were filmed on our premises without official permission or knowledge” and “CERN does not condone this type of spoof.” 

But the question remains, if this ceremony was a “spoof”, why were researchers, who were authorized to be on CERN grounds, performing this “spoof” in front of a statue of Shiva? 

With that question rattling around your grey matter, let’s switch gears and look at the flip-side of this scientific occult coin. 

As presented above, this juxtaposition of science and occultism is unsettling, and not all within science agree with this confluence. There are those within science who believe science is the only source of truth. And occultism, as well as any other form of religion, are troglodytic relics and obsolete in our current age of truth.

This is a suitable spot to take pause and state that I am a Christian. I do not take part in any form of witchcraft, magic(k), necromancy, sorcery, New Age, or other forms of occultic/Satanic rituals. Jesus is my Lord and Savior and He is the only way to God. Any other mechanism that someone uses to gain supernatural access is a sin (John 10:1).

Now let’s get back to the program.


From science to scientism, what is scientism? Scientism disciples proclaim the belief that science is the only source of human knowledge as championed by the technocrats. A few more definitions are:

  • Scientism is the promotion of science as the best or only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values.
  • Scientism is the adherence to a materialist version of reality that confines investigation to those sorts of things that are permitted by materialism.

Devoted atheist Lawrence Krauss is a scientism adherent who believes scientists should be staunch and militant atheists. Fellow believers in the religion of scientism are Neil deGrasse Tyson as well as Bill Nye and Stephen Hawking. Not only are they anti-Christian in their truth claims, but anti-soft sciences as they worship at the altar of science. The apostle Paul dealt with a version of scientism in Romans 1:18-23:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

The scientism definitions above shed light on scientism as being wholly unscientific. This is a shared viewpoint by some scientists, scientists who are Christian, and philosophers (both Christian and non).

There’s a subset within science that is none too keen on the technocrats scientism beliefs as we will discover.

The Superficial Soft Science Insurrection

Science and the scientific method are inextricably linked. This may seem obvious at first blush, but when you dig deeper, this self-evidence evolves and gives rise to a distinction within the science community.  The resultant evolutionary mutation is the divergence of science disciplines into two branches:

  • Hard Sciences (chemistry, physics, biology)
  • Soft Sciences (sociology, psychology, anthropology)

The soft sciences see the phrase “soft science” as pejorative and have raged against the machine that separates them from their scholastic siblings. Perhaps this rage runs deeper than their perceived separation from a scientific standpoint. Maybe their umbrage originates with their perception as less intelligent than their counterparts. An offense to their inner personal intellectualism.

Regardless of their scientific status, the soft sciences have a problem on their hands. A step in the scientific method is the reproducibility of an experiment. This is where the critics of the soft sciences are accurate in their reasoning. But what these critics fail to realize is they live in a glass house and let those who are without sin, cast the first stone (John 8:7). 

Many articles report the failure of reproducibility within soft science studies. But the soft sciences are not the only ones to fall short. Hard sciences are fallible as well.

Academicians and their proponents will point to the fact that science is ever-changing as new research leads to new discoveries. These new discoveries supersede the old ones. The problem with that is how do we trust these new discoveries as the truth when the discoveries they are replacing used to be the truth? What about future discoveries, will they be truth? Does truth evolve? At what point does the superseding end and we arrive at the truth?

The True(th) Problem

In this continuing saga of, “What is truth”, we’ve examined the truth of the USA bringing in Nazi scientists through Operation Paperclip to work for them and most times whitewashing their biographies. 

We’ve gone over the connection between one of these Nazi scientists (the father of NASA) and a founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who just so happened to be the head of an occultic/Satanic group. He was also a practitioner of these occultic/Satanic rituals with the future founder of a world-famous cult. 

What about CERN with the statue of a Hindu god who has as one of its 1,000 names “the Destroyer”? Or the “spoof” of a satanic murder ritual in front of this sculpture? Truth is stranger than fiction and we haven’t even touched on the main perpetrator of mis- and disinformation, the media (a future article will analyze this connection).

We’ve looked at the belief of scientism and the problem of reproducibility in science. But truth be told, the fundamental problem with science (soft or hard) isn’t science. Science is just man’s way of explaining what God has instituted. The fundamental problem with science is, us. Humans. Humans by default are fallible (Romans 3:23) and their research can show this.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a technophobe. I enjoy technology as I type this on my laptop, and my full-time job uses modern technology. The problem is sin and the three-fold Sin Matrix (our flesh, the world, and Satan as defined in Ephesians 2:1-4). The Sin Matrix is the source of temptation. Also, it’s the source of untruth and confirms where this “wisdom” originates (James 3:14-16).

This is the psyience of truth for those who weaponize the truth. Where the entire truth they believe in is only discoverable by their own means. Reproducible or not. This is a PSYOP within this PSYWAR (psychological warfare).

The Technocratic Takeover

Within this article we’ve mentioned the following terms/phrases:

  • Intellectual fascism – the arbitrary belief that individuals possessing certain “good” traits (such as intelligence and creativity) are intrinsically superior to those possessing “bad” traits (such as stupidity or lack of artistry) and is political-social fascism with the trait names changed—the same hearse with different license plates – Albert Ellis
  • Intellectual terrorism – the weaponization of intellectual fascism, e.g. the horrors of Nazi Germany 
  • Technocracy – a government or social system that is controlled or influenced by experts in science or technology; the fact of a government or social system being influenced by such experts 
  • Technocrat – an expert in science or technology who has a lot of power in or influence with the government or industry

These words and phrases represent the current state of the world’s governmental structure but are only a shadow of the coming one-world government. Where they venerate those who are more educated (brainwashed into thinking a certain way), while they excommunicate those who are uneducated. Where the cognoscenti expect the uneducated to be subservient, no questions asked.

But cautionary tales are being shared about allowing technocrats full rule of the roost as well as the merging of technocracy with populism known as technopopulism.

Regardless of one’s political leanings, the truth transcends political parties, science or scientism, and spirituality. The truth is not dependent; it is independent and waiting to be sought and found.

The Truth

hands open Bible black and white

While the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) blinds its inhabitants to the truth, by believing only in the material or the occultic immaterial, the truth is, this is a spiritual war. They present their truth by PSYOPS within their PSYWAR. The technocrati, led by their god (1 John 5:19), push their agendas by any means necessary. Including CRISPR editing the truth with a lie (Romans 1:24-25).

The world obfuscates the truth, so they reach and strive for any semblance of the truth. But truth is simple. God provides a means to discern the truth from untruth and repeatedly warns us to not be deceived (2 Corinthians 11:13-15, Ephesians 5:6-7, 1 John 4:1). As the deceptions grow deeper and darker, and the truth moving further away, this deception may lead to the great falling away (Matthew 24:10-12 and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4).

While the technocrats and their ilk want to convince you they know the truth and what’s best for you, the concept of truth is throughout the Bible and Jesus is called the truth in John 14:6:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

And God the Father knows what’s best for you because He loves you (Matthew 6:8 and John 16:27). That’s why He sent His Son to die in your place for the forgiveness of your sins, so you could be reconnected to God (John 17:1-5, 1 John 4:12-16). Even while we were still sinners (Romans 5:7-8).

So What Are We To Do?

Maybe after all of these examples:

  • The US absconding Nazis into the country for their knowledge
  • NASA being started by one of them and another a high-level occultist
  • CERN with occultic icons and rituals on their grounds

You realize the need for discernment. Rightly dividing truth from untruth.

But the technocrats within science and spirituality are conspirators in this PSYOP with their father, the father of lies. Jesus admonishes in John 8:44:

You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

This battle between the truth and untruth is a PSYWAR between Satan and God’s creation. That’s us and this is PSYIENCE.

If you feel overwhelmed and not sure where to turn, Jesus shares with us in John 16:33: 

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

This peace is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and is one reason for the Dephcon Six website. 

So how are we able to discern truth from untruth? To discern the truth, we need four things: 

  1. Call on the name of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and believe (Acts 16:30-31, Romans 10:9-10)
  2. Receive the indwelling of His Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39, John 14:17, John 16:13-15, Galatians 5:18, Ephesians 5:18, 2 Timothy 1:14)
  3. Read His Holy Bible (Colossians 3:16, 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12)
  4. Prayer (Jeremiah 33:3, Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6)

Christ crucifies our old ways and makes us a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) when we become born again. This is our new identity (Colossians 3:9-11). Those who are perpetrating the deceptions mentioned above are not our direct enemies, as disclosed in Ephesians 6:12. Our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:13-17), which includes the belt of truth (Ephesians 6:14), is our defense against the enemy’s assaults.

This combination of our identity in Christ and spiritual warfare is where the world and the enemy attack. They thrash the truth attempting to transform right into wrong and wrong into right (Isaiah 5:20-21, 2 Timothy 4:3).

So how do we battle against those striving to deceive the world? The Apostle Paul shares with us in 2 Corinthians 10:3-6:

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Jesus instructs us to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). By following Jesus, we grasp the reality that He is the truth, and that truth sets us free (John 8:31-32). Sanctification comes by the truth, and God’s Word is truth (John 17:17-19). Jesus blesses us with the ability to discern right from wrong (Hebrews 5:14) enabling us to determine the devil’s schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). 

That’s the truth, so help me God.