Information Manipulation 5 steps to Discern Truth

Information Manipulation: 5 Steps to Discern Truth

Information manipulation includes; disinformation, propaganda, and psychological operations. JIADS is 5 steps to discern the truth.

Dephcon Six POP CULT

Pop Cult: The Secret Agenda of Manipulation

There is a subtle yet powerful force influencing you. The Pop Cult. The globalist elites’ propaganda and public relations firm executing their secret agenda.

death cult eugenics religion abortion euthanasia

Death Cult: The Eugenics Religion Exposed

The Death Cult, a eugenics religion, created a society where dissenters are struck with cultural, economic, and political turmoil.

Dephcon Six Ephesians 6

Curious What Dephcon Six Means?

In the last blog post, we discussed the connection between Bible names and identity. Curious about the identity and origin of the name, Dephcon Six? This article will satisfy your curiosity.

Bible Names Identity Map Compass

Discover How Bible Names Reveal Identity

Bible names. Identity. What’s the connection and what does it have to do with you? Well, how does your name represent you? What’s the story behind your parents naming you?